How Much Does it Cost to Go to Japan?

Asakusa temple in Tokyo

With Japan now fully open to the public again, a natural question to ask is how much does it cost to go to Japan? There’s a big misconception that Japan is expensive, but I didn’t find daily expenses to be that much more expensive than other major cities I’ve visited. That said, prices have gone…

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10 Tricks to Getting Cheap Flights Busted

There aren't many tricks to getting cheap flights

Getting a good deal on airfare has never been easier. With so many websites out there finding insane, it’s not uncommon to hear of a friend that booked a flight for a price that seems too good to be true. What most people don’t realize is that these deals usually come with conditions. In some…

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Reasons to Use Your Emergency Fund

Save for your emergency fund

Quite often I’m asked how we should prioritize our money, and one of my first responses is to set up an emergency fund. Setting aside 3-6 months worth of expenses should be made a priority because we’ll never really know what will happen in our lives. Putting that much money can be a real struggle for some,…

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Budget for Yourself, Not for Someone Else

budget for yourself, not someone else

Often people ask me for budgeting tips. It could be a general question such as what’s the best way to budget, or sometimes it gets a bit more personal e.g. how much do I save and how much do I spend? I don’t get into exact numbers when talking about my personal budget, but what I…

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Sticking To Your Financial Goals

Setting financial goals is easy, sticking to them however can be incredibly difficult. I imagine many of us who made financial New Year’s resolutions are already on track to break them. Making generic resolutions is just silly, we need to pick goals that are actually attainable. Here are some common financial goals and tips to help…

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Free Toronto Attractions

Whenever I travel I always look for free attractions first because nothing is better than free.  Any money I can save on attractions means I can spend it somewhere else during my trip like a nice meal. Here’s my picks of the top free Toronto Attractions. Nathan Philips Square Toronto’s City Hall is the main…

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