DIY investing

Norberts gambit

Norbert’s Gambit: A detailed step-by-step guide

Have you ever heard of Norbert’s Gambit? This trick was first made popular by Norbert Schlenker as a way to convert CAD to USD and vice versa while minimizing currency exchange fees. The trick is incredibly…

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What is an NFT

What is an NFT? Guide to NFTs and How They Work

What is an NFT? If you are following anything in the finance world these days, there is no doubt you have heard about NFTs or non-fungible tokens. Stories about things like digital monkeys and rocks…

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management expense ratio

What is a Management Expense Ratio (MER)?

Have you ever wondered what is a management expense ratio (MER)? It’s a fee that investors have to pay for many products such as mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Some people don’t even realize this fee…

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How is Cryptocurrency Taxed in Canada?

**Note, I am not an accountant, nor am I an expert on cryptocurrencies. You should seek the advice of an accountant with experience in cryptocurrencies if you have any serious questions or concerns. Are you…

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What is cryptocurrency

What is Cryptocurrency? How it works

Have you wondered what is cryptocurrency? While cryptocurrency seems like a new, payment method for many of us, the concept of cryptocurrency actually dates back to the late 1980s. However, it wasn’t until October 2008…

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RDSP Grant and Account Explained

RDSP Grant and Account Explained

Canada has a number of grant opportunities for Canadian residents, one of which is the RDSP grant. RDSP stands for registered disability savings plan and is meant to be a long-term savings vehicle for disabled…

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Switching to Questrade

Switching to Questrade, is it worth it?

Every January and February, Questrade blasts its ads everywhere. You’ve probably heard them on the radio or seen them on television. To be honest, the ads are quite effective since they always show how people…

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Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) Explained

An employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) is a lucrative benefit that’s offered by some employers. If you’re fortunate to have access to an ESPP, you’re essentially being offered free money, and who doesn’t like free…

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What is a Mutual Fund? Everything you need to know

Have you ever wondered what is a mutual fund? It’s easily the most popular type of investment product, yet many people have no idea what they are and how they work. While that may sound…

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Canadian Discount Brokerages

How to choose between Canadian Discount Brokerages

If you’re a Canadian investor who is looking to DIY their way to a respectable nest egg, then deciding which of Canada’s online brokerages you use is one of your first (and most impactful) decisions.…

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